Estate Planning Letter
The most difficult stage in the financial planning process is for us to pull together all of the financial information that is relevant to the development of a plan. If it is difficult for us to assimilate the information while we are living, think how difficult it will be for our survivors to try to dig through all of our records to find this information if we're gone or are disabled.
So, to make your life, your beneficiaries lives, and my life a little easier, I am providing a very simple and user friendly estate planning letter. The link below will take you to an electronic format of this letter. All you need to do is spend a few minutes and fill in the blanks. I have always found that working from a template is easier than trying to create something on a blank piece of paper. So here's the template, already prepared for you—all you have to do is fill in the blanks! What could be easier?
After you have completed this document, keep and maintain the original in a secure location. You may also want to give copies to those who would be in charge of settling your estate, and send a copy to our office for our information.
Click on the following link to access the document: